Tuesday, April 28, 2015

X-Wing Launches Into Orbit

The premiere of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is less than 8 months away and pretty much the entire fan base can barely contain their enthusiasm. The only thing better than seeing the movie in theaters this December, would be to attend the VIP Premiere.

Two gentlemen from Essex, UK hope to achieve just that.

Tweeters @MattKingsnorth and @TurboBungle are a two man space photography team from Project Helium Tears who use weather balloons to get cameras into low orbit to snap picture of earth & space.

Understanding that just flat out asking J.J. Abrams for 2 tickets to the premiere would never work, they decided to appeal to his artistic side. Knowing that J.J. has been adamant in the use of more practical effects over CGI for the new movies, the two men set out in the hopes of winning him over by attaching an X-Wing to one of their balloons and launching it into space.

Check out the video below:

P.S.Stick around after the 0:45 mark to see the balloon strike some space debris that ends up in the video:

Do you think They'll get their VIP tickets? Comment on or Facebook group!

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