Wednesday, September 21, 2016

We Are Giving Away A Glow-In-The-Dark Yoda POP In October!

So, a few weeks after the Funko Pop figures came out last year I was at my local Walgreen store. You can probably guess the story from here. I picked up two of these Glow-In-The-Dark Yoda figures. Long story short (or short story short), I'm giving away the extra one to one lucky Forcestrong Member!

All you have to do is like our page here, mark that you are going to our event here, and then share the same event on your timeline (as public so I can verify it). If you do those 3 things you will be entered into our drawing for the POP figure. 

You can also get additional entries by inviting your friends to the event, for every 20 friends that you invite I will give you an additional number which will give you an additional chance to win. Full details are on the event page. Make sure you comment the number of invites on the event so I can add your additional entries and verify the invites.

If you have any questions you can message me on Facebook or email me at  Good luck and share with your friends.

Brought to you by the Forcestrong Network 

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