Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Forcestrong Reacts To 'The Original Trilogy' Coming Back To The Big Screen

The original trilogy is heading back to theaters this summer. Entertainment Weekly reports that Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi will play back to back in select Alamo Drafthouse theaters in 20 cities this August.


That little detail set off some Forcestrong members... Are these just chronic complainers or do they have a point? Some real fan reactions below:

A few fans said, 
"(For the curious, the editions being screened are not the original theater releases, but the 1997 "Special Edition" versions.)... They can fuck off then!".
"These are the 97 remakes. If it was origional theatrical versions I would be in. One thing I wish Disney would do is get rid of these remakes from 97.". Others reminded us, "Article says it is the 1997 rerelease version. I will probably skip this as I watched all 7 episodes back to back on the big screen in Dec when The Force Awakens was released." and "whatever happened to making all of the films 3D and re-releasing them? I went and saw Episode I but then they never did the other ones".

Not all reactions were negative. These were some of the happier fan responses, 
" GO Alamo drafthouse!!!! I knew they would do something like this!!!!"
"Gotta laugh at all the haters saying "fuck them its the terrible 97 reissues"... Most of them were brought up on the reissues as they're too young for the original releases. These are the same people who hate the prequels and Force Awakens claiming them to be shit. Well I say to you as someone who watched RotJ on its original release in 83 as a 5 year old you're all whiney ass crybaby fucknuts. Star Wars is/has and always will be fucking awesome...all 7 films and the reissues...don't agree tough shit get to bed its way past your bedtime child".

Admitted more responses were of the negative tone than positive but I'm personally excited about it. Sound off on our Forcestrong Facebook Group and let us know how you feel about this. Will you be watching them?

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