Thursday, February 19, 2015

J.J. Abrams Pushing for a Summer Release for Ep. 7

If J.J. Abrams has his way, we'll all get to scream like little girls at a (insert your choice of boy band name here) concert earlier than we think.

The secretive director is trying to curb leaks for his largest movie project yet, by trying to convince Disney to opt for a Summer release instead of December. I don't blame him. With all that has already been revealed outside of what he's allowed, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to keep a lid on information about the movie.

Its a tough call for Disney though, as they've already got 2 tentpoles poised to take the box office this summer. Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st) and Ant Man (July 17th).

A summer release would no doubt be awesome, but with movies of this caliber, Disney would most likely have to factor in that each of these films will be raking in some serious profits well past their opening weekends. If any of the previous Marvel movies are an indication, Age of Ultron and Ant Man will each be box office leaders for at least 3 weekends in a row before tapering off.

That means Age of Ultron will be dominating all of May, and Ant Man will do the same in July. The word is that J.J. is pushing Disney for an early to mid June release. IF Disney decides to go with this, they will effectively own the summer box office revenue.

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