Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Toy Fair NY Leaves Attendees With More Questions Than Answers About Episode 7 Toys

If you had the opportunity to attend the Toy Fair NY over the weekend, you undoubtedly noticed plenty of Star Wars action figures and toys on display. However they were all toys that are currently on store shelves or from earlier toy lines....Where were the Episode 7 themed toy lines?

With the trend of trying to keep "The Force Awakens" movie facts under wraps as best as possible, so too are the toys for Episode 7. Lucasfilm doesn't want to show off the goods just yet, as they'll likely reveal character/vehicle designs & names outside of what has been shown thus far. Looks like they learned a thing or two from what happened when leaked photos of "Jurassic World" toys revealed information about the Dinos, Chris Pratt's character, and the name of his Raptor.

The only hint about upcoming Episode 7 toys was by way of a sign posted by LEGO that read: "New LEGO 'Star Wars' sets will feature iconic scenes from the latest chapter of the epic saga when 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' hits theaters December 18, 2015!"

Needless to say, LEGO's teaser sign worked. Their booth was packed with attendees all weekend.

I guess we'll have to wait until after the movie hits theaters to see what's in store for us collectors and kids alike. Hey, there's always the chance that we might get a sneak peak of some toys at Star Wars Celebration, but I could be wrong...

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