Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Greg "Grunny" Grunberg's Role Revealed & 2 Classic Characters Return in Ep. VII!

Back in February, we did an article about Greg Grunberg aka "Grunny" and his connection to J.J.Abrams. 

*Click HERE to see the February article about Greg Grunberg & J.J. Abrams*

We talked about how they have been best friends since childhood, and that Grunny always jumps at the chance to work with J.J. We also talked about how he initially went it to shoot a cameo, but it ended up being a 6 week shoot. Many speculated his role had been expanded, and Grunny himself would not reveal any details.

That has all changed.

Thanks to set images obtained by StarWars7News.com, we now have proof that Grunny is part of the Rebel Alliance, known as the "Resistance" for this trilogy. I had predicted he would play a cantina owner, and I have never been happier to be wrong!

I give you...X-WING PILOT GRUNBERG! (Character name unknown as of yet)
UPDATE 06/29/2015: Character name identified as Gorwyn! Source: DisneyWiki

He's not just a garden variety background character either. He'll be in the thick of things, FOR ALL 3 MOVIES! SW7News is affectionately referring to him as the Wedge Antilles of the new trilogy, with his own action figure to be released!

In addition to Grunny's revelation, we are also treated to 2 familiar faces from the original trilogy that have survived and are still active in the Resistance.


All 3 images are from actual photo shoots!!

I don't know about you, but my excitement level just went up 3 notches!

You know what to do....Head over to our Facebook Group & express yourself!

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