Saturday, June 27, 2015

New Pages on the Forcestrong Network!

You may have noticed a few new pages appearing at the top of the page.  We now have:  Forcestrong Collectibles and Intergalactic Geek Alliance joining the Network!

Forcestrong Collectibles is an offshot of my Facebook group.  Buy and sell directly with other members on the FB group.  I'll be featuring my items and some other featured items on the network page here.

Intergalactic Geek Alliance is a diverse collection of Geeks, Nerds, Cosplayers, Poets, Artists and Adorkable People with a passion for Geek Culture.

It goes a little something like this >> A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, er 2010 somewhere near Seattle we decided it was about time to celebrate all things geeky for a week (ok more like 12 days) and Intergalactic Geek Week was born from the fiery bowels of Mount Doom (or maybe just the inebriated hive mind of some gamers). This has grown into a year round alliance of Jedi KNerds, Trekies, Whovians, Browncoats and Hobbits to promote all things Geeky, even and especially other great Geek Fan Pages. We are a diverse Alliance, our contributors come from almost any terrestrial background you can imagine, old, young, gay, straight, male, female, religious, atheist, black, white, brown and yellow, even Marvel and DC, but we're all geeks and that's all that truly matters, right? >:)

We'll be featuring some of our original content. Please click the pics to go to the original posting on FB. You can also like our page here. Thanks, please share with your friends :)

You can visit their page on the Forcestrong Network here.

Few originals from IGA:

Click the pic to see more originals from IGA

Click the pic to see more originals from IGA

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