Friday, July 24, 2015

Another New Face Introduced For Episode VII

Seeing non-human races within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance is nothing new. We had a Mon Calamari Admiral, a Sullustian First Mate, and Chewbacca just to name a few, but Episode VII will introduce us to the first ever non-human X-Wing pilot!

Courtesy of StarWars7news & FlickeringMyth, we have the photo you see above. He is known simply as "Bullhead" for now. I guess we'll find out his name in December.

As you can see in the photo, there is no CGI or MOCAP gear here, just good old fashioned practical effects and animatronic features!

With every bit of news revealed about Episode VII and the anothology films, I can't help but get even more excited. Call me crazy, but the fact that they are using 35mm film as well as a ton of practical effects, sets, and models and pairing it all up with the use of some CGI is making me feel like a kid again because it feels like Star Wars has returned to it's roots!

Do you like the new character? Do you agree or disagree with my sentiment? Let your voice be heard on our Facebook group and be sure to like and check out our Facebook page!

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