Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Martial Arts Superstar Donnie Yen Confirmed As A Jedi Master In Ep. VIII

Hong Kong martial arts superstar Donnie Yen, has secured a spot on Star Wars Ep.VIII as a Jedi Master. Yen is famous for his roles as Ip Man in Ip Man I and II. These movies were based on the true life events of the real Ip Man, who was a Master of kung fu's Wing Chun style, but most notably as Bruce Lee's martial arts teacher. If you haven't seen the movies, they are definitely worthy of your time. Both films are available on BluRay/Streaming.

Yen's definitely got the background to pull off a Master Jedi. Just check out this fight scene from IP Man, where an imprisoned Ip (Donnie Yen) fights (as entertainment for the Japanese commanding officer) against Japanese black belts after witnessing his friend get executed for fighting to win scraps of food .

WARNING: Episode VIII Spoiler below the video clip!


Yen's Jedi character is said to meet up with Han Solo in Episode VIII and become his ally. I guess we can finally toss out the rumors of Han's death in Episode VII.

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