Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront Poised To End Destiny's Popularity

Destiny was the most highly anticipated title to hit the market back in 2014. It's production budget was a record $500 million. The game claimed it would run for 10 years based purely on DLC content.

The game came out, and despite it's ups, downs, and even some disappointments it remains a highly popular game among it's players. New DLC is released on a steady basis, and players continue to grind away at the missions, strikes, and instances. There hasn't been a direct competitor with Destiny that we know of. Halo 5 & Call of Duty can't truly be compared to Destiny, since both have story based game play with online multiplayer modes.

Destiny was designed as an online only game. The game is dependent upon co-op play between you and 2 other players, except for when you run the few missions in between each boss battle. In most cases though, you have to spend some time in co-op strikes so you can rank up and be able to survive running the aforementioned missions solo. The core of Destiny is promoting community interaction, which plays a massive role in the game.

Star Wars Battlefront is also primarily an online multiplayer game. What's more is that Star Wars is bringing with it countless franchise fans as well as Battlefront starved players....many of who are playing Destiny as we speak. DICE is tapping into the nostalgia of the fan base by featuring locations from the classic trilogy. That, couple with all the hype of the upcoming new trilogy makes Battlefront a force to be reckoned with.

EA Games is no stranger to DLC either, and you can bet they will be dropping them on a regular basis just as Destiny will, but Destiny is at risk of seeing a massive shift in it's popularity as Battlefront goes live. It wouldn't be shocking to see a huge chunk of Destiny players jump ship and head over to Star Wars Battlefront.

While in no way is Battlefront the final nail in Destiny's coffin, it is going to be the deciding factor in how long Bungie will hold out before folding and releasing a Destiny sequel. With the release of Battlefront, the 10 year promise of Destiny may not be fulfilled and gamers may see it's sequel hit the market sooner than expected.

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Source: BidnessNews

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