Friday, September 25, 2015

'Best Of' From The Forcestrong Page And Group

Most of you know we have a large Facebook page,, and a VERY active FB group, Please stop by and like the page and join the group.

You've probably seen these new Bluetooth speakers.
Check all the new ones out >> here <<

Don't miss a minute of the Forcestrong goodness! We do a weekly wrap up every Wednesday that will give you all the new articles in one email.  Sign up >> here <<

Here's a few things that have popped over the past few days from both the page and group:

Little fun that I found on the #ForceStrong group. Stop by and join
Posted by The Force Is Strong With This Page on Thursday, September 24, 2015

It may not look like much but it has a cream filling... You can find this and many more SW mold here >>
Posted by The Force Is Strong With This Page on Thursday, September 24, 2015

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