One of the coolest aspects of Force users is mind control. I mean think about it, a whole army of weak minded beings at your control as a Sith Lord or perhaps a persuasive nudge to help further along your mission for the greater good as a Jedi. As far as mind control goes, we all know it only works on the weak minded. Here in lies the basis of this article. While watching Episode 1, (yes, I know) Qui Gon and Obi Wan illicit the help of our favorite Gungan, Jar Jar Binks, to guide them to Otoh Gunga in a attempt to recruit the Gungans in the war for Naboo. In their meeting with Rugor Nass, aka. Boss Nass, Qui Gon realizes his efforts are not working to convince Nass to join in the fight and ask Nass to speed them on their way.
Here is the actual dialog in the scene:
QUI-GON: (waves his hand) Then speed us on our way.
BOSS NASS: Wesa gonna speed yousaway.
QUI-GON: We could use a transport.
BOSS NASS: Wesa give yousa una bongo. Da speedest way tooda Naboo tis goen through da core. Now go.
QUI-GON: Thank you for your help. We leave in peace.
QUI-GON and OBI-WAN turn to leave.
OBI-WAN: Master, what's a bongo?
QUI-GON: A transport, I hope.
The JEDI notice JAR JAR in chains to one side, waiting to hear his verdict.
QUI-GON stops. JAR JAR gives him a forlorn look.
JAR JAR: Daza setten yousa up. Goen through da planet core is bad bombin!! Ahhh... any hep hair would be hot. JAR JAR's soulful look is counter-pointed by a sheepish grin.
OBI-WAN: Master, we're short of time.
QUI-GON: We'll need a navigator to get us through the planet's core. This Gungan may be of help. QUI-GON walks back to BOSS NASS.
QUI-GON: (cont'd) What is to become of Jar Jar Binks here?
BOSS NASS: Hisen to be pune-ished. JAR JAR hangs his head and wines.
QUI-GON: I have saved his life. He owes me what you call a "life.debt."
QUI-GON waves his hand. QUI-GON: Your gods demand that his life belongs to me now.
BOSS NASS: Binks. Yousa haveda liveplay with thisen hisen?
JAR JAR: Ah-huh. BOSS NASS: Begone wit him.
This whole exchange puts Nass under the control of Jinn through the Force. Put aside your prejudices against Gungans and hear me out. Boss Nass was well respected by his peers and was a great leader whether or not you like it or not. Now I wont get into all the details of his biography for the sake of saving time here, but if your interested in learning every detail of just how NOT WEAK MINDED Nass is, here is a link to his Wiki:
This whole exchange puts Nass under the control of Jinn through the Force. Put aside your prejudices against Gungans and hear me out. Boss Nass was well respected by his peers and was a great leader whether or not you like it or not. Now I wont get into all the details of his biography for the sake of saving time here, but if your interested in learning every detail of just how NOT WEAK MINDED Nass is, here is a link to his Wiki:
Is Boss Nass Force-Sensitive? |
However, here are some key points from his Bio that will validate my opinion: Nass took on many varied careers—from army sergeant, to engineer, to energy miner, and, eventually, the head of several small businesses. Exceedingly proud of his city, Nass made unprecedented steps towards civic improvement, including the development of the Municipal Zoo and a new Rep Council Chamber. The most notable of Nass' developments was the construction of a new public concourse he dubbed City Bigspace. Following the Naboo war, Nass moved the Gungans from the depths of the planet onto the moon, Ohma-D'un. I can’t even begin to imagine what kind of leadership and organizational skills it would take to move an entire species to an entirely different body in space. I don’t think that Boss Nass was a weak minded individual whatsoever.
Well maybe Qui Gon is just a bad ass when it comes to mind control you say? I’d say you’re forgetting Watto and Jinn’s failed attempts there. Surely the leader of the entire Gungan race, engineer and businessman has a stronger willed mind than a greedy little Toydarian junker on Tatooine. I think this entire exchange during the movie is pointless and unnecessary. Take the Force aspect out of the scene is way better and it still works, while lending greater respect and character depth to Boss Nass. As it is though, its cheap.
Written By: Gary Dickerson
Written By: Gary Dickerson
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