Saturday, November 28, 2015

Google Has Hidden Easter Eggs In It's Programming For Episode VII

Go type "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" into a google search bar. Go ahead - I'll wait...

For those of you that didn't, it triggers a 'Star Wars Crawl' for the results! Pretty cool, huh? That's just one of the hidden Easter Eggs for the Episode VII buildup.

In a blog post they revealed that will allow you to choose either the light or dark side to change your Google theme on lots of different apps.

This decision will alter the Google experience. Everyday apps such as Gmail, Google Maps, and others will reflect the moral decision that users made – giving off a Jedi or Sith theme. Google Maps Street View will also put users into the cockpit of an X-Wing if they opt to choose the light side of the force.

Let us know what other Easter Eggs you can find. 

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