Thursday, October 29, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass: Is it worth it?

EA announced a Battlefront Season Pass which is now available for pre-order here.

What does the season pass get you?


The price? A whopping $49.99

As much as I love Star Wars, they better have some more stuff for that fifty bucks they want me to fork over.  Maybe it's just me, but I'd find it a hard pill to swallow, paying almost the price of a regular game for 4 expansions and an emote. The whole idea of a season pass is that you pay in bulk at a lower per unit cost, plus get some exclusives that make it worthwhile. 

Click pic to pre-order

While the 2 week early access & emote is nice and everything, I think they should consider adding a unique weapon or even an alternate character uniform scheme. Something that would make you stand out from the other players. Maybe different camouflage & gear or perhaps a character only playable by season pass holders (like a commando or special forces unit for both sides).....something!

However, like the statement says, more news will be revealed soon, so I may be worried for no reason.....then again, what if my concerns are justified?

Would you pay for a season pass? Let us know on our FB page & FB Group!


Emperor Palpatine Initiates His Plan To Incorporate Earth Into The Galactic Empire

Looks like Earth is next on the Galactic Empire's check list!

It appears that while we are not as technologically advanced as those from a galaxy far, far away, we pose enough of a threat to avoid direct military action. The Emperor has opted to take a more passive approach, much like he did with the Galactic Senate. A very passive approach.

It was recently announced that Sheev Palpatine has just been elected to the Odessa City Council in Ukraine. His run for city mayor is expected to follow during the next mayoral elections. While speaking to one of his aids, we were told his campaign slogan was "The city today. Tomorrow, the world!"....and then we were told to move along.

The Emperor Celebrating his City Council victory!

Ok, ok, all kidding aside, this Palpatine is actually Aleksandr Borovik. He's a candidate who ran under the guise of the emperor along with the others running as Darth Vader and Chewbacca as a joke. However, being that Mr. Borovik was actually a registered member of the Darth Vader Block Party, an organization qualified to run for city elections, he won. Not only that, but he got over 54% of the votes!

While Mr. Borovik respects the voters choice, he was quoted as saying "This is beyond my understanding. People, what's wrong with you?"

I'll tell you what's wrong Alex. People all over the world are getting really tired of their politician's sh-- uh, I mean crap...and they'd rather vote for ANYONE instead of another career politician!

Source: Daily Mail

Monday, October 26, 2015

Are You Ready For That Darth Maul Game?

Remember that canceled Darth Maul game? Well - Red Fly Studio wants to breathe new life into it again!

Speaking during a Reddit AMA, Red Fly developer Dan Borth answered some questions regarding what the game would be should the team manage to find a new home for it.

“We have been burning a candle for this game since it was killed,” continues Borth, “[and we hope] we can get it turned back on again. If that is to happen, we need to approach EA with a demo that will impress them. I think we have that or are close to it. Still it is completely not up to us.”
And for the die-hard fans of the prequels, there’s an idea that’s sure to be met with complete approval: “I would vote for an Easter egg where Maul kills Jar Jar over and over.”
Game Informer did an interesting article on Darth Maul's initial development in a past issue. Apparently this game was supposed to be a stealth/action hybrid, not dissimilar to Arkham Asylum. Maul is obviously a powerful warriors but in many situations he would need to rely on the Force and his ability to kill silently. He was a "glass cannon": able to dish out a lot of damage but also very fragile.

Check out the video below! I REALLY want this game to be made. Let us know what you think in the comments.

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Source:  IGN, Cinema Blend

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Great Wall Of China Taken Over By The First Order

Disney is yet to announce a release date for episode seven in China but that didn't stop the Stormtroopers! In an epic marketing stunt to push the coming seventh Star Wars film, Disney lined up 500 Stormtroopers at the Great Wall of China.

The figures stood still on the historic steps of the wall, making an impressive background for the hundreds of fans who had come to pose against the iconic characters. Along with the hundreds of marching stormtroopers, Disney also handed out lightsabers to the Chinese fans who showed up for the spectacle, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi all showed at Shanghai international film festival in June, though many audiences had seen them already via illegal downloads or DVDs.

With more than 10,000 cinema screens, the country is set to overtake the US as the world’s largest box office by 2020, offering director JJ Abrams and the Force Awakens producers another huge bite of the global audience for what is already set to be a record-breaking release when it premieres at Christmas.

China's box office takings continue to surge. In September, its revenue hit 30 billion yuan(US$4.7 billion), growing 48.5% over 2014, and overtaking all of last year's earnings.

So now, ahead of the seventh installment of Star Wars, it's small wonder why Disney is pulling out the stops to drum up Chinese interest in the space opera franchise.

Do you think China will release Episode VII in theaters? Sound off in the comments.

Cooking With R2... Get yours today!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Star Wars Ep. VII Tickets Will Be Available Monday October 19th!!


A limited number of Episode VII tickets will go on pre-sale nationwide following the new trailer premiere during Monday Night Football on ESPN!

According to Yahoo Movies, the trailer will likely air somewhere between 9:30 & 10:00 pm Eastern but there is no official confirmation on the exact time! What they do know is that after the trailer, those tickets will go on sale for showtimes beginning at 7:00 pm Decembet 17th through January 3rd!

Have your PCs, tablets & smart phones at the ready! However also realize that thousands of others will be doing the same thing, so expect plenty of website crashes, timeouts, or just plain bad luck with tickets selling out before you even get a chance to pick a date/time.

Good luck to you all, and may the Force be with you!!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Battlefront BETA Breakdown With Tips

Have you spent time in the frozen wastes of Hoth? The Star Wars: Battlefront Beta went live yesterday, and the consensus is good! Finaly, a true imagining of the Star Wars universe, in all its epic scope and orchestral flourish. But it’s still a competitive shooter, and you’ll find yourself flailing unless you’ve spent a lot of time with these games or have some sort of natural acumen. Things are a little different in this game, and even veterans will take a moment to get used to things.

The Star Wars Battlefront beta began at 3pm UK time and will most likely end on Sunday night (October 11).

It is open to everyone and only takes a download to get going but beware, both consoles need around 7GB of space, while PC users will need 11GB. Not such a problem for those gamers with big hard drives, although some may have to start deleting older copies of titles.

Tips From Forbes:
Lose The Iron Sights: This is the big one. Star Wars: Battlefront, like most games, gives you the ability to hold down the left trigger and look down your weapon’s sights. Unlike most games, doing this gives you absolutely no accuracy advantage, and so you’re better off just firing from the hip. It will be hard to get used to for anyone that’s played a lot of Call of Duty, but looking down those sights at short to mid-range encounters does nothing but waste a few valuable shooting moments. Learn to lose them, and let loose. You can even play in third person to help shake the feeling that you’re playing a normal shooter.
Throw Grenades Like Confetti: Once you’ve leveled up for a little bit, you’ll fill out your character’s “hand” with a few Star Wars cards granting special abilities: in my case, a sniper rifle and a grenade. Use these things constantly. The cooldown is a lot less than you might expect, and you’ll find that you can use these things with a certain degree of abandon. So if you find yourself with a nice rock to crouch behind and you see a firefight on the other side of the map, pull out your sniper. If you see lasers flying anywhere, throw a grenade. In Walker Assault, there are a whole lot of enemies to choose from at any given moment, so you’re better off letting those grenades fly and making it a little unpredictable for them. The same goes for powerups: resist the urge to horde these, as there are always more. The only exception would be if you find an A/X wing or orbital strike just before the Y-Wings are going to arrive. Then you’ll want to use those in a way that maximizes your time doing damage to the AT-ATs.
Flank: This one is mostly for Walker Assault — Drop Zone doesn’t quite have enough people or space to justify any extended flanking maneuvers. But it can be absolutely key in Walker Assault. If you see a firefight in progress around one of the control points, don’t just run in and add another warm body into the mix. Find a way around, watch out for enemies along the way, and try to surprise the enemies from the side or rear. This is especially helpful for the empire, which plays a more aggressive game as they try to deactivate uplinks. Just be careful to sprint through any open expanses you’ll need to cross: snipers are everywhere. And if you find yourself standing still to fire, be aware the enemy is trying to flank you, too.
Find Cover: Like I said, there are snipers everywhere. That little speck in the distance is very much a threat, and Walker Assault is a wide open map. So be very careful whenever you’ve got a view of any substantial portion of the battlefield, because someone else will be using that view to take you down. Luckily, it’s also a pretty well designed map, so you’ll find plenty of rocks and outcroppings even in the midst of what looks like an open field. And when in doubt, keep moving. The weapons aren’t great against a sprinting target, so even if you take some hits, you’ll probably be alright.
Don’t Worry If You Win Or Lose: This isn’t some elementary school platitude, rather just an unfortunate side effect of the current game balance. In Walker Assault, the empire is going to win nearly every time. The rebel alliance needs to display a shocking amount of dominance to even have a shot at winning this game mode, and even then it’s not a given. So think about the game in terms of smaller objectives, or else you’ll get frustrated at the balancing.
The big question will be if the final product has enough about it to keep gamers happy, the beta itself allows access to Walker Assault on Hoth, Drop Zone on Sullust and Survival Mission mode.

Tell us about your Battlefront experience.  Comment, join our FB group, and like our page!

Sources:  Forbes, Express

Thursday, October 8, 2015

New Star Wars Laptop Coming From HP. Pre-orders Start Today!

Just when you thought they’d branded every possible product with Star Wars logos, HP proves us all wrong with a Sith-inspired laptop. What does a Star Wars laptop even look like? You might ask. Well young padawan, trust in your training as we take you through it.

Seemingly scavenged from the wreckage of the second Death Star, HP's new laptop brings darkside disciples the battle-scarred Stars Wars chassis they've been waiting for. This exclusive Stars Wars Special Edition Notebook started out life as a regular 15-inch HP Pavilion, but has since received a full Stormtroper-like makeover and now stands as a shining example of the Empire. It starts at just $699 with an Intel 6th Gen Core i5 or i7 CPU, up to 16GB of RAM and 2TB of storage, an optional Nvidia Geforce 940M graphics card and your usual assortment of USB 3.0 and HDMI ports.

The laptop is wrapped in a black and grey print reminiscent of the Galactic Empire’s spaceships, with Darth Vader featured prominently on the lid. The entire keyboard is lit up by a sinister red backlight, so you can really feel the anger flowing through you. It’s also loaded up with the Star Wars Command Center, which features thousands of wallpapers, screen savers, and art from the Star Wars archives. Plus, the noises in Windows have all been replaced with a custom set inspired by the movies.

The other content that comes on the machine includes digital copies of the original comics from the 70’s, storyboards from the movies, behind-the-scenes photos and more. Also bundled with the system is a one-year subscription to Fandor, which is a subscription movie viewing service with a regular price of $90.

Who wants one? Pre-orders start today, October 8, on HP’s website with full availability next month on November 8. If you will be ordering let us know in comments.  Make sure you join our FB group (26,000 members) and like our page (90,000 fans)!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Which One Of You Bought Leia's Bikini? Metal Bikini & Model 'Blockade Runner' Ship Sold At Auction.

Level with me Forcestrong, Which one of you bought it?

The winning bidder was not named but someone paid $96,000 for the iconic metal bikini worn by Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi. Most likely a Forcestrong member, so please post pics on our group when you have time.

The winner also got the collar and several other chain links (#Kinky)... A letter of authenticity from Richard Miller was also included.  

The bikini wasn't even the highest priced item that sold at the auction.  A model of the Corellian Corvette known as the 'Blockade Runner' (pictured above) sold for $450,000!  Quite a catch.

If you bought it then let us know.  Make sure to like our page and join our group.

Source:  CNN

Can't wait to get these droid minifigs!  Check it here
Can't wait to start this calendar.  Click pic to see them all

Friday, October 2, 2015

Why Do We Love Star Wars? - A Family's Legacy Story

Original Article From Single Dad Pulling His Hair Out:

Why do you love Star Wars? For me it's simple, it reminds me of a time when life was simple, when I was a kid. One of my earliest memories was my mom and I sitting in front of our old 27" cabinet T.V and those bold yellow letters scrolling up that old bubble screen. I remember sitting in awe on the edge of my seat, as Obi Wan fought Darth Vader in that infamous lightsaber duel. Then again, as Luke turned off his targeting computer and launched the torpedoes into the exhaust port destroying the Death Star!

From that moment on, I was a Jedi. As I got older my love for the films increased. When the special edition was released my grandmother took me on my first senseless road trip, driving to two different cities just so I could own my own copy of the films. I was 14 years old when Episode I came out in the theaters, I conned my sister-in-law into taking me 45 miles to the closest theater to see it! Of course, dressed in my full Jedi ensemble. 

I took one of my first "real" dates to see Episode II. I was freshly married when Episode III was released, my 9 year old brother-in-law was dying just as much as I was to see the "birth" of Vader himself. Well... my Mom passed in 2006 and my grandmother is now in a nursing home. So, when I think of Star Wars I'm reminded of these great memories.  

NOW, Episode VII is within reach for us all! My own kids are just as excited as I was at their age, even though my oldest calls R2 Wall-E...

My kids and I have built Lego models, collected most of the Episode VII Funko Pops, and played dress dads storm trooper standee (below).

They love BB-8 as much as I love R2! I even had to buy them their own BB-8 Pop! We'll be first in line at our town's shiny new IMAX theatre on December 18th.

In conclusion, I hope my kids take these memories and turn them into something special, LIKE THEIR FATHER BEFORE THEM.

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See more from the author here.

Don't forget to pre-order your Battlefront PS4!