Thursday, October 22, 2015

Great Wall Of China Taken Over By The First Order

Disney is yet to announce a release date for episode seven in China but that didn't stop the Stormtroopers! In an epic marketing stunt to push the coming seventh Star Wars film, Disney lined up 500 Stormtroopers at the Great Wall of China.

The figures stood still on the historic steps of the wall, making an impressive background for the hundreds of fans who had come to pose against the iconic characters. Along with the hundreds of marching stormtroopers, Disney also handed out lightsabers to the Chinese fans who showed up for the spectacle, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi all showed at Shanghai international film festival in June, though many audiences had seen them already via illegal downloads or DVDs.

With more than 10,000 cinema screens, the country is set to overtake the US as the world’s largest box office by 2020, offering director JJ Abrams and the Force Awakens producers another huge bite of the global audience for what is already set to be a record-breaking release when it premieres at Christmas.

China's box office takings continue to surge. In September, its revenue hit 30 billion yuan(US$4.7 billion), growing 48.5% over 2014, and overtaking all of last year's earnings.

So now, ahead of the seventh installment of Star Wars, it's small wonder why Disney is pulling out the stops to drum up Chinese interest in the space opera franchise.

Do you think China will release Episode VII in theaters? Sound off in the comments.

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