Monday, October 26, 2015

Are You Ready For That Darth Maul Game?

Remember that canceled Darth Maul game? Well - Red Fly Studio wants to breathe new life into it again!

Speaking during a Reddit AMA, Red Fly developer Dan Borth answered some questions regarding what the game would be should the team manage to find a new home for it.

“We have been burning a candle for this game since it was killed,” continues Borth, “[and we hope] we can get it turned back on again. If that is to happen, we need to approach EA with a demo that will impress them. I think we have that or are close to it. Still it is completely not up to us.”
And for the die-hard fans of the prequels, there’s an idea that’s sure to be met with complete approval: “I would vote for an Easter egg where Maul kills Jar Jar over and over.”
Game Informer did an interesting article on Darth Maul's initial development in a past issue. Apparently this game was supposed to be a stealth/action hybrid, not dissimilar to Arkham Asylum. Maul is obviously a powerful warriors but in many situations he would need to rely on the Force and his ability to kill silently. He was a "glass cannon": able to dish out a lot of damage but also very fragile.

Check out the video below! I REALLY want this game to be made. Let us know what you think in the comments.

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Source:  IGN, Cinema Blend

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