Thursday, October 29, 2015

Emperor Palpatine Initiates His Plan To Incorporate Earth Into The Galactic Empire

Looks like Earth is next on the Galactic Empire's check list!

It appears that while we are not as technologically advanced as those from a galaxy far, far away, we pose enough of a threat to avoid direct military action. The Emperor has opted to take a more passive approach, much like he did with the Galactic Senate. A very passive approach.

It was recently announced that Sheev Palpatine has just been elected to the Odessa City Council in Ukraine. His run for city mayor is expected to follow during the next mayoral elections. While speaking to one of his aids, we were told his campaign slogan was "The city today. Tomorrow, the world!"....and then we were told to move along.

The Emperor Celebrating his City Council victory!

Ok, ok, all kidding aside, this Palpatine is actually Aleksandr Borovik. He's a candidate who ran under the guise of the emperor along with the others running as Darth Vader and Chewbacca as a joke. However, being that Mr. Borovik was actually a registered member of the Darth Vader Block Party, an organization qualified to run for city elections, he won. Not only that, but he got over 54% of the votes!

While Mr. Borovik respects the voters choice, he was quoted as saying "This is beyond my understanding. People, what's wrong with you?"

I'll tell you what's wrong Alex. People all over the world are getting really tired of their politician's sh-- uh, I mean crap...and they'd rather vote for ANYONE instead of another career politician!

Source: Daily Mail

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