Fantasy Flight's widely popular table top battle game Star Wars X-Wing is getting yet another infusion of fresh cards and ships. This marks the eighth wave of ships to be added to the game.
Here are the new expansion packs:
The Ghost:
The Ghost expansion pack brings the new EU into the fold! The ships in this set are the Ghost, the Phantom and the Inquisitor's TIE Advanced Prototype from Star Wars Rebels.
The Phantom can either be taken into battle with fighters, or docked alongside the Ghost. There are new pilot cards with this expansion, which include Hera, Ezra, Kanan, and others as well. The TIE Advanced Prototype stats include faster engines, folding wings and a tracking missile launcher. The Ghost expansion comes with 5 ships cards (including one for the Inquisitor), as well as all the necessary tokens to add the ships to the game.
The Punishing One:
The Punishing One expansion mainly focuses on the Scum & Villainy faction. This includes the bounty Hunter Dengar and his ship (The Punishing One), and the Mist Hunter, piloted by the bounty hunter Zuckuss & 4-LOM which boasts cloaking ability. This expansion also includes it's first Imperial faction large-base turret by way of an Imperial Assault Carrier.
Check out the images below for a detailed look at the ships and cards!
The Ghost & Phantom and all the accompanying cards. |
The Inquisitor's Adv. TIE Prototype and all the accompanying cards. |
Dengar's ship The Punishing One and all the accompanying cards. |
Zuckuss & 4-LOM's ship the Mist Hunter and all the accompanying cards. |
The Imperial large-base turret Imperial Assault Carrier and all the accompanying ships & cards. |
If you haven't played this table top game for 2 but would like to start, you can find a core set and all the current expansions on Amazon.
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