Sunday, August 30, 2015

(Spoilers) LEGO Star Wars Shines Light On BB-8's Beeps, Whistles, & More

LEGO Star Wars just came out with a new commercial and in it we hear what BB-8 will actually sound like.  I know we've had trailers and teasers with some noise from the little droid but they only recently decided/revealed his final 'voice'.

From (Spoilers Below)

As you hear in the commercial (via, the droid has much more of a whistle sound than the usual beeps and hums that we’ve heard from astromech droids like R2-D2 before. And if you compare the sounds in the commercial to those made during the Celebration appearance earlier this year, there’s a distinct difference. The droid sounds super adorable, and I cant wait to hear how he interacts and shows emotion and expresses himself like R2-D2.
But the question is, why is BB-8 running from Kylo Ren and First Order Stormtroopers in this commercial? Well, we likely know the answer, but if you want to be in the dark for the movie, then don’t read below for fear of spoilers!
Thanks to some of the details revealed on the toys, we know that BB-8 belongs to Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), not REy (Daisy Ridley) as some had assumed. And early on in the film, Dameron comes into possession of Luke/Anakin’s old lightsaber on Jakku and hides it in BB-8.
Therefore, if Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and the First Order Stormtroopers are looking for the lightsaber, it would stand to reason that BB-8 is likely on the run from the bad guys to avoid being captured. Presumably, the droid escapes the bad guys, but ends up getting captured by some kind of scavenger, and that’s how Rey comes into contact with the droid (as we’ve seen in a previously released photo). And that’s how Rey ends up in possession of the lightsaber, though as we’ve seen, Finn (John Boyegaends up using it at some point.
So what do you think of BB-8?  Do you have anything to add to the 'spoilers'? What do you think of these theories? Sound off in comments or in our FB group.

If you are interested in writing for the Forcestrong Network then contact me. -Travis

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