Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Force Is Strong With Thomson Holidays Online Live Chat

In light of the recent data security breach experienced by British travel service Thomson Holiday in which 500 customers had their travel information accidentally revealed, it's nice to hear of a positive experience by one customer on a different matter.

Millie Barton was scheduled to fly out to Greece on vacation and was wondering if her Star Wars suitcase was qualified as a carry-on. She reached out to a customer service rep using the live chat option, where she was greeted by "AJ". What was to be a regular conversation turned into witty banter full of Star Wars references that was shared on Facebook over 3,100 times!

You can see Millie's conversation below:

We hope Millie had a wonderful time in Greece!

Do you have a personal Star Wars experience you'd like to share? Head over to our FB page and FB group for plenty of Star Wars action!

Source: Mirror.co.uk

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