Tuesday, March 17, 2015

John Williams WILL NOT Score Every New Star Wars Film

Fear not my friends! For as you know, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate to... well, you get the idea.

Let's look at this logically. John Williams is synonymous with Star Wars, but he's also pushing 83. While he will be scoring Episode VII (and maaaaaaybe VIII & IX, but only time will tell), He's already made steps to have a replacement ready. What better way to test the "new guy" than to let him score the first stand alone Star Wars movie.

This is where Oscar winning composer Alexander Desplat comes in. Desplat will be the one responsible for the musical score of "Star Wars: Rogue One", as he revealed during an interview on the French program "Radio Classique's Culture Club".

Hypable and Film Music Reporter have confirmed this to be true.

His most recent works can be heard in "Godzilla" and "The Grand Budapest Hotel". He's very good at creating music to help set the tone of a film. As it's been recently reported that "Rogue One" is going to be a grittier and somewhat darker addition to the franchise (Excluding ROTS), could this mean we are in store for a lot of dark, ominous music this time around?

We'll all have to wait and see, but LucasFilm & Disney seem to be quite sure of their decision to bring him on to this franchise.

How do you feel about this move? Chime in on our FB page.

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