Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Review of Marvel's Princess Leia, #1 & #2

Spoilers ahead! This review contains a synopsis along with commentary.

The Princess Leia series is Marvel's third release in the rebirth of Star Wars in comics. The series is set right after ANH ends, with the first panels showing the medal presentation ceremony. We are greeted with the familiar faces of Han, Chewie and Luke. Princess Leia then goes on to speak of the great loss of Alederaan and the death of her mother, Queen Breha Organa and Viceroy Bail Organa.

General Dodonna announces it is time to move the Rebel base off of Yavin, since the Empire is now aware of their location. Scouts will be sent out to try to find a suitable planet as others, Admiral Ackbar for example, are tasked with preparing the base for transport. Leia requests to scout, since she seems to have no duties to attend to. General Dodonna is against the idea since they have intercepted a transmission and a substantial bounty has been placed on her.

As Leia leaves, we are introduced to a female Rebel pilot named Evaan. This is the first new character the series offers us. Evaan Verlaine has a fiery temper and a quick tongue. She was mentored personally by the Queen in the heritage of Alderaan. She respected the Queen because of the person, not the position and it is clear she does not respect Leia. Word is spreading through the base the Imperials are hunting down all surviving Alderaanians. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going to happen next.

R2 delivers a hologram message to General Dodonna of Leia explaining she is off to gather all the remaining "sons and daughters of Alderaan". As the General reaches for the droid, we find out R2 is also a hologram and actually on board a shuttle with Leia and...what for it....you guessed it, Evaan. A pair of X-Wings show up to escort the shuttle back to Yavin. I'll let you guess who was piloting them. If you guessed Luke and Wedge, give yourself a gold star and a cookie (make it two cookies).

Evaan proves to be a savvy pilot and strategist. She hits one of the X-Wings, knocking off a piece of the shuttle. Luke and Wedge overhear Evaan on the radio saying it was a piece of the hyperdrive. Seem like a set up? Just when you think Leia is going to utter the first "I've got a bad feeling about this" of the series, Evaan jams the controls and they make the jump to hyperspace.

Here ends the first issue. Total number of new characters, other than random pilot #2 in a few panels, 1. So it seems Evaan is the co-pilot of this series. I am not exactly "wowed" by the story and it is also only the first issue. I shall press on.

Issue 2 opens with the shuttle in hyperspace. Leia has a flashback to her childhood. She wants to practice combat exercises instead of her language lessons. She wants to be "in on the action." Bail says soldiers are a thing of the past and Leia must struggle to keep the culture focused on creativity, love and life. "Whatever happens, you must keep Alderaan alive." We all know how well that worked out; Tarkin 1 / Alderaan 0. We snap back to the present with Leia apologizing for her failure to an empty room.
First stop, Naboo. Leia learned as a Senator of a cloister (interesting choice of words - if you need to look it up, I'll wait. I need another cup of caf anyway. Back? Ok, we journey on.) little known and long standing. They, Leia and Evaan , will pose as Imperial Auditors. When asked her name at the space port, Leia gives the fake name First Minister Solo. Seriously? Isn't Han supposed to be a famous smuggler? We get it, she likes him. At this point, I am going to give you a breakdown of new characters we will meet:

Lord Junn - well dressed businessman, seems to be of Alderaanian decent and knows Leia.
Mul Sanaka - owner of Club Deeja and does business with Lord Junn
Madame Pareece - oversees the performances of the Melodic Order (made up of Alderaanians) at Club Deeja
Snes - Doorman at Club Deeja
Tace - member of the Melodic Order at the Club
Tula - Tace's sister 

Lord Junn calls out to Leia in the square, addressing her as Princess. Evaan seems annoyed since they are trying to stay incognito. Leia explains they know each other and not to worry. Which, if you have ever read any spy novels, is exactly when you start to worry. Lord Junn places a call to Mul Sanaka on Leia's behalf, supposedly using her fake name.

Evaan and Leia show up at the club and are greeted by Snes and not too kindly I might add. Leia uses her fake name and Snes addresses her as Princess. Anyone else smell a set up? Leia headbutts Snes who then calls out to Mul Sanaka for help. He shows up armed ready to take aim at Leia and is then shot in the back by Madame Pareece. Madame Pareece is overcome with guilt because she has not told the other Alderaanians of the planets destruction. She was afraid it would distract them from their music. Leia makes an announcement and vows to protect them all.

We return to Lord Junn's residence where Leia confronts the kriffing piece of poodoo. He has been in the business of human trafficking and set up the Princess, hoping she wouldn't make it out of the club. He provides a ship to help transport the Alderaanians off world. We then find out their next stop is the Sullust System in the Outer Rim.

Tace calls her sister from the shuttle and wants to do whatever she has to do to reunite with her, since their home world has been destroyed. Tula explains her duty is now to the Princess and serving Alderaan in anyway. Instead of reuniting, Tula tells Tace to call every night and explain what they are doing and where they are heading. Does it seem like Tula is interested in more than just her sister's well being? I agree. The final panel reveals Tula is an Imperial Officer! Dun Dun Dunnnnnn....

I'm still not entirely on board with the story line. It seems like it has the potential to become redundant very quickly. For your sake, noble reader, I shall persevere.    

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