Thursday, March 12, 2015

New Star Wars Spin-off Named & Episode VIII Date Revealed!

Rouge One Standing By...

Star Wars has a new, official standalone spin-off film coming — Rogue One, starring Felicity Jones and written by Rian Johnson. The movie will be the first in a series of spin-offs that focus on Star Wars universe peripheral characters and side-stories, according to Disney, and will premiere on December 16, 2016, a year after the next main continuity Star Wars film.

Disney didn’t reveal anything about the movie’s plot today, but the name speaks volumes. “Rogue One” is the callsign of the leader of Rogue Squadron. If you’re someone who’s only experienced Star Wars via the movies, you may only vaguely know what Rogue Squadron is. If you’re a Force-Strong :)  fan, then you know Rogue Squadron is the team of fighter pilots who fly Snowspeeders and X-Wings and basically anything with an engine. If you happened to reach your peak Star Wars fandom in the mid-’90s—the period when there were no Star Wars movies but a seemingly infinite array of Star Wars tie-in books, comics, and videogames—then it’s possible that you think Rogue Squadron is the very best of Star Wars. It’s all the excitement with none of the self-importance; all the thrilling battles, none of the Skywalker-bloodline spiritualist philosophy.  Can't wait to see Wedge again!

Disney also announced that Star Wars: Episode VIII will premiere on May 26, 2017, so the studio is switching to a summer release window for the next main franchise installment. All indications are that Disney hopes to turn Star Wars into an elaborate, interconnected cinematic universe the way that it has with Marvel, and that’s just extra cool – provided they can actually make good movies from the base material now that George Lucas is out of the picture.

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