The third installment in the “Star Wars: Battlefront” series, named identically to the first one but dubbed “Battlefront 3” by the community, has been confirmed for a release in winter 2015, at least for the PlayStation 4. The revelation came after Sony published a list of all games coming to the console in 2015 on their official blog, and the list also included the new “Battlefront 3”.
The game is expected to revive an old classic franchise, and a lot of us are following its development with active interest, even though there’s admittedly not that much to follow for the time being, as EA/DICE have been rather secretive about their progress. We do know that the game will feature an extensively developed single player campaign though, and it’s also expected to revolutionize the multiplayer aspect of the franchise – but how much exactly is the fight going to change?
It’s pretty much guaranteed that DICE will take some elements from their other popular shooter franchise, “Battlefield”, and implement them in the new “Star Wars: Battlefront”. Battlelog, the system powering the lobbies of “Battlefield”, may also be used in “Star Wars: Battlefront”, and there have been rumors that EA also wants to set up a system similar to the Community Test Environment available for “Battlefield” premium subscribers, which has greatly helped with fine-tuning the balance and performance of “Battlefield”.
Stay tuned here and on our group for future updates.
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