Monday, March 9, 2015

New Star Wars Canon Reflects Fan Base Diversity & An Old Favorite Will Return Soon!

"Lords of the Sith", is an upcoming novel by NY Times bestselling author Paul S. Kemp. The novel introduces readers to Moff Mors. According to Big Shiny Robot, Moff Mors is described as "an Imperial who has made some very serious mistakes but she is an incredibly capable leader and spends much of the book working hard to prevent absolute failure." Oh yeah, she's also a lesbian. The book does not skirt around the issue with any ambiguity either. It's pretty much straight forward.

True, she is not the first same sex relationship oriented character in Star Wars. Bioware's SWTOR has same gender relationships in game, and in what is now "Legends", the "Legacy of the Force" books had 2 male Mandalorians who where in a committed relationship. However, Moff Mors is the first lesbian character to be part of the official Star Wars canon.

Shelly Shapiro, editor of  "Star Wars" novels at Del Rey Books describes the introduction of Mors not as a type of statement, but rather as a reflection of the diversity of the fan base.

Oh.........and she also provided us with a tiny but powerful spoiler.

The next book to come out after "Lords of the Sith" is one that features none other than Asajj Ventress!

Check out the whole article here, and give us your feedback here!

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