Friday, May 1, 2015

Artist Spotlight - Rob Taylor from Herofied

When I am looking for inspiration, I need only sit in my office and look at the walls. Boba Fett, Wonder Woman and the Greatest American Hero, just to name a few, grace my walls. They are eye catching. They are conversation starters. They are Herofied!

I had the opportunity to catch up with the genius behind this stylized art over the weekend at C2E2. Read about my experience in this #ForceStrong original! Looking at things at his Etsy shop only gives you a glimpse of what his art looks like properly displayed. I own close to a dozen pieces and I was still WOW'ed by his set up.

I'm going to give you a minute to absorb the sheer awesomeness emanating from the above photo. The man in the middle is a talented artist, photographer and musician. His name is Rob Taylor. He was gracious enough to answer a few questions for me. Check out what he had to say. 

How long have you been creating digital art?

I've been creating my stylistic approach to pop culture icons for just under 3 years now.

What was your inspiration for the name "Herofied"?

Though it leans against the norm these days, I have always cheered for the hero and I wanted to build a foundation (and brand) based on the positivity and hope that the best of the heroes represent.  This isn’t to say that I don’t respect the villain’s place.  I have created “Herofied” versions of many “baddies” to date because I firmly believe that good cannot exist without evil.  It is also a great action word which can be applied as a verb such as: This sentence has been HEROFIED!      

Is "Herofied" your full time job?

No – not quite yet… I am a professional photographer by trade.  As things progress, I hope to phase myself out of that world and immerse myself more fully in all things Herofied.

What was the first piece you created for the store?

My very first piece is still available in my Etsy shop.  It’s called, “Max Rebo’s Solo Tour.”  It features the lovable blue elephant organ player in Star Wars Return of the Jedi.  Though I have learned a lot since then, I would not change a thing in that piece.  It works perfectly as a minimal work and I owe a lot to the confidence the piece provided me!     

How many hours go into creating each piece?

I do have a few different categories of styles which I frequently bounce between. I never clock myself as to how long things take, but more minimal pieces can be a day or two and detailed portraits could take up to a week.  Some of my most detailed pieces such as my Indiana Jones “Totem” print which I created for the 30th anniversary of the Temple of Doom and my “Clone Composite” which features 42 clone helmets from Star Wars took up to 2 months to complete.

Do you have a favorite?

My favorites, or more accurately, “the ones I like to look at the most” tend to be my latest works.  I can’t pinpoint a favorite because I like them all for different reasons.  

Do you work with any other materials/mediums (i.e. paint, sketch, marker)?

I work solely in the digital realm, but since my first exhibit I’ve printed my art on alternate materials such as Metal, Wood, and Acrylic.  This adds a WOW factor that is hard to describe, but is easily seen on the faces of the people who stop at my booth because they have never seen anything like it.

Which came first, your music or your art?

My music had been my number one passion long before I knew that I was capable of creating this style of art.  I own a recording studio called “The Escape Hatch” and have released multiple projects under the name Rob Taylor.  In fact, I just released my newest album this year entitled “Imperfectly Sound” which I recorded then mixed and mastered down in Nashville.  Music remains an important part of my life, though the studio now becomes a bit of a workshop for Herofied as that side of me has sort of expanded as of late.

I notice you do a lot of different conventions, what is your favorite "Con" experience? 

My favorite local convention here in CT. is Connecticut ComiCONN.  It is what first inspired me to create art for the pop-culture fan base.  It was only after I had such great success at that show that I was able to move on to huge shows such as New York Comic Con etc.  As far as celebs, I very much enjoyed meeting Christopher Lloyd whom I’ve always admired for his role as Doc Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy.  It was also great fun when Billy Dee Williams enjoyed my art so much that he sent his manager to acquire all the pieces of Lando art I’ve created! 

What is your favorite movie?

If I can’t include the original Star Wars trilogy as one, I would say Empire Strikes Back in a heartbeat.  Those movies mean quite a lot to me and have inspired me to push myself creatively harder than any other films.

Who is your favorite Superhero/Comic Book Character?

Superman.  I enjoy the fact that in the most pure idea of Superman, you know what you are going to get.  Though seemingly not as tortured or complex as some current offerings, he stands for cut and dry principles.  Truth Justice, the American way; a mass of invincible steel with an unwavering moral compass.  Plus, he can fly – which is awesome.  

There you have it. If you have managed to make it past all the links in this article, check out his shop on Etsy by clicking here and his website by clicking here. He also has a Facebook page - click here - and a Twitter - you guessed ----> here. I would highly recommend keeping an eye on his Facebook page, he has some pretty ridiculous sales from time to time. You may catch him on a #FreePrintFriday - where he includes a preselected free print with your order. When you finally embrace the awesome and become Herofied - tell him #ForceStrong sent you.    

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