Wednesday, May 27, 2015

COMING SOON: Two Companion Books to the "Journey to Star Wars" Series

As we first reported back in March of 2015, Disney & LucasFilm came up with a bold plan to bridge the gap between Episodes VI and VII. This was announced in 2 stages.

STAGE I: Disney announced the upcoming release of at least 20 new novels through Del Rey Publishing to get us up to speed on what has transpired in the last 30 years.

*Click HERE to read our Stage I Announcement*

STAGE II: Disney followed that up with a report days later about a comic book series titled "Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire". This comic series would work in conjunction with the aforementioned novels, and is scheduled to hit comic book store shelves on September 15, 2015.

*Click HERE to Read our Stage II Announcement*

Now it has been revealed that new companion books are in the works.

The first is called "Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know". The book covers tons of major and minute details from charting the oldest Jedi in the galaxy to a list of all the owners of the Millenium Falcon before Han took ownership. The book is full of images and details for fans of all ages. Check out the cover art below.

The 2nd book is titled "Star Wars: Ships of the Galaxy". This book is more of an encyclopedia of all the iconic ships in the Star Wars Universe. It covers ships from the prequels, Clone Wars animated series, Rebels series, original trilogy, AND will offer a first in-depth look into some of the new ships in Episode VII! The book is full of technical information, specs and even blueprints to many of the ships!

The cover art had remained unseen until now, but thanks to German blog site Jedi-Bibliothek, we now have our first look at the book....and it is beautiful!

Book I will release September 4, 2015.
Book II will release September 8, 2015.

You can pre-order both books NOW on Amazon:

"Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know" Click HERE
"Star Wars: Ships of the Galaxy" Click HERE

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