Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Jar Jar Binks May Appear in Episode VII

Before you scream bloody murder, it's not what you think.

J.J. Abrams is contemplating the possibility of killing off Jar Jar Binks once and for all by strategically placing his bones somewhere in the deserts of Jakku as an Easter egg.

"I have a though about putting Jar Jar Binks's bones in the desert there. I'm serious! Only three people will notice, but they'll love it." - J.J. Abrams

If Abrams goes through with it, this will leave only the timeline of post Ep. III to pre Ep. VII for Jar Jar to exist, until his eminent death on Jakku, While many of us will cheer of his demise, it still doesn't prevent the appearance of our *favorite* character in comics or books, as they'll likely have to explain how he ended up dead on the planet......but at least he won't be in the post Ep VII canon.

That's good enough for me.

Will you be glad or upset if J.J. Abrams decides to go through with this? How about if he doesn't? Let us know in our Facebook group.


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